SS - How Then Shall We Rest, Part 6, Rest in the New Testament, Part 2
April 9, 2023 Speaker: Philip Boudreaux Series: How Then Shall We Rest
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Lesson Outline
A. Rest from work
1. Conflicts between Jesus and the Jewish leaders about the Sabbath
a) Picking heads of grain - permitted work on the Sabbath (Mt 12, Mk 2, Lk 6)
b) Man’s withered hand - lawful to do good on the Sabbath (Mt 12, Mk 3, Lk 6)
c) Bent over woman – the hypocrisy of the Jewish leaders (Lk 13:10-17)
d) Man with dropsy – the hypocrisy of the Jewish leaders (Lk 14:1-6)
e) Lame man at the pool – Jesus and His father are still working (Jn 5:5-18)
f) Blind man – Jesus’ healings prove he is from God (Jn 9)
2. The disciples rested at the wrong time (Mt 26, Mk 14, Lk 22)
3. Let no one act as your judge regarding Sabbath observance (Co 2:16-19)
4. Be diligent to enter God’s rest (Heb 3:12-4:13)
a) Take care that you don’t have an unbelieving heart that falls away from God (3:12-19)
b) Therefore be fearful if it seems you won’t enter God’s rest (4:1-5)
c) Because there remains a Sabbath rest from works for the people of God (4:6-10)
d) So be diligent to enter that rest (4:11-13)
More in How Then Shall We Rest
April 16, 2023
SS - How then Shall We Rest? part 7: A Systematic Theology of RestApril 2, 2023
SS - How Then Shall We Rest, Part 5: Rest in the New TestamentMarch 26, 2023
SS - How Then Shall We Rest, Part 4: Rest in the Wisdom and Poetry Literature