Daniel’s Second Vision: The Coming Persecutor of Israel, Part 2
June 26, 2022 Speaker: Greg Pickle Series: Daniel
Scripture: Daniel 8:15–27
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A. Daniel Receives the Vision (1-2)
B. Daniel Relates the Vision (3-14)
1. A Two-Horned Ram: Medo-Persia (3-4)
2. A Mighty Male Goat: Greece (5-8)
3. A Powerful Horn: Antiochus IV Epiphanes (9-14)
C. Gabriel Interprets the Vision (15-26)
1. The Appearance of Gabriel (15-19)
2. The Details of the Interpretation (20-26)
a. The Ram = Medo-Persia (20)
b. The Goat = Greece (21-22)
1.The Large Horn = The First King (20)
2.The Four Horns = Four Simultaneous Kingdoms (21)
c.The Latter Horn = Antiochus IV Epiphanes (23-26)
D. Daniel Responds to the Vision (27)
1. He is Exhausted and Sick
2. He Carries on the King’s Business
3. He is Astounded and Confused
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