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The Hometown Crowd Rejects Jesus

November 12, 2023 Speaker: Greg Pickle Series: Luke

Scripture: Luke 4:22–30

Sermon Outline:

A. Jesus presents himself as the Anointed One (16-21)

B. The crowd responds to Jesus’ teaching (22)

    1. They respond with words of praise

    2. They respond from a heart of unbelief

C. Jesus challenges the crowd’s unbelief (23-27)

    1. He identifies their unbelief (23)

    2. He explains their unbelief (24)

    3. He exposes their unbelief (25-27)

D. The crowd responds to being exposed (28-29)

    1. They become enraged (28)

    2. They try to kill him (29)

E. Jesus escapes from the hostile crowd (30)