SS - How Then Shall We Rest, Part 2
March 5, 2023 Speaker: Philip Boudreaux Series: How Then Shall We Rest
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Review: Steps for topical study:
1.Determine meaning of relevant passages (observation and interpretation)
2.Make application (for us today) by considering categories of passages
Review: definition of rest
- Rest is God’s provision to restore us from our weariness. This weariness can be physical, emotional, or spiritual. God gives us rest from work, enemies, turmoil, misfortune, worry, and sin’s results.
A. Rest from work
1. God rested from his work of creation (Gen 2:2-3, Ex 31:17)
2. Man gets weary from work and needs rest (Gen 3:17-19, Gen 5:29)
3. God commanded Israel to rest from work
a) By not gathering manna on the Sabbath (Ex 16:23-30)
b) By not doing any work on the Sabbath (Ex 20:8-10)
i. How should they observe the Sabbath?
ii. Who should observe the Sabbath?
iii. Why should they observe the Sabbath?
c) By not tending fields every Sabbatical year (Ex 23:10-11, Lv 25:1-7)
d) By doing no laborious work on holy days (Lv 23)
B. Rest in the Promised Land
1. Rest from hard labor (Ex 3:6-8)
2. Rest from enemies (Dt 12:10)
3. Conditions of their rest (Dt 28:63-65)
C. Application for us today
1. Rest from work
2. Promised land rest (Heb 3:12-4:13, Ps 95)
More in How Then Shall We Rest
April 16, 2023
SS - How then Shall We Rest? part 7: A Systematic Theology of RestApril 9, 2023
SS - How Then Shall We Rest, Part 6, Rest in the New Testament, Part 2April 2, 2023
SS - How Then Shall We Rest, Part 5: Rest in the New Testament