Ministry From the Church
December 4, 2022 Speaker: Greg Pickle Series: Your Ministry in the Church
A. Evangelism
1. The church must make disciples
2. Some people are evangelists
3. All Christians should evangelize
B. Missions
C. Good Deeds
1. Toward our families
2. In our work
3. Toward everyone
D. Inter-Church Ministry
E. Parachurch Ministries
1. Types of parachurch ministry
2. The value of parachurch ministry
3. The temptations of parachurch ministry
4. Considerations for parachurch ministry
More in Your Ministry in the Church
December 18, 2022
The Heart of MinistryNovember 20, 2022
Ministry to One AnotherNovember 13, 2022
Using Your Gifts to Serve Christ's Body