Church activities are canceled for Sunday, Jan 12 due to inclement weather.

Sunday Mornings at 9am for Sunday School and 10:30am for the Worship Service

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Class 2: Inductive Bible Study, Part 2

August 28, 2022 Speaker: Brian Beemer Series: How to Study the Bible

Questions to ask of a passage in the Bible:

  1. Does it point out sin in my life?
  2. What assumptions does it have that I don't share?
  3. Is there a command to obey in this passage?
  4. Is there an encouragement for me in this text?
  5. Is there a promise for me in this text?
  6. Does it teach me something about God?
  7. Does it teach me something about myself?
  8. What evidence for my faith does it give me?
  9. What will I do differently today because of this text?
  10. How will I think differently because of this text?
  11. How can I model/share/teach this truth to encourage others?
  12. How could my family or church apply this text?


Application Guidelines to Follow

  1. Pray
  2. Think
  3. Write
  4. Talk
  5. Listen